Monday, March 10, 2025

Stages Of Feline Development

Day 149: After seeing a cute design for cats woven on an eight-shaft loom, I set about hunting for one I could do on four shafts without having to weave it as false damask. I was unable to find a draft, but I was not ready to give up on the idea. Thinking in terms of both pickup and overshot, I figured I could effect much the same thing with only two sheds and a lot of patience, so I ran a short, narrow warp on my smaller rigid heddle loom, got out the graph paper and made a preliminary design. I knew it wasn't going to be perfect, but as it turned out, the first few attempts came closer to my vision than I'd anticipated. I still have a few refinements to make: longer tail with more curve, one additional row on the body, reduction of the left shoulder by one X, but at least I have a recognizable cat.

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