Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Few Bolts Away From Warp Speed

Day 19: Funny how something which took fifteen minutes to disassemble can take four hours to put back together again. That's what you get for not taking pictures of each stage of the dismantling.

Although I made one trip to the hardware store during the reassembly, we're still a few bolts away from warp speed, but other than that and tying up the treadles, the loom is fully operational at this point. It was another gift from the benevolent woman who presented me with an antique spinning wheel a few days ago. Given the condition of the wheel, I'd reserved judgment on accepting the loom until I'd had a chance to look at it. Yesterday, when I saw that it was both modern and in good condition, I was thrilled. However, this is no small object! The two of us couldn't have lifted it ourselves even if I'd had a truck big enough to haul it, so I took it apart to transport. In the process of loading it into my car, the order of pieces was disrupted for the sake of packing, and in the case of the base and apron rollers, pieces rotated until they were not in their original configuration. When I got them all spread out in the living room, it was obvious that I had an engineering project for the day.

There were a few errors and a few cusswords, a barked knuckle or two, a banged head when I raised up under the beater, lost washers and nuts which rolled away under the desk, and of course the layout of my crafts room had to be revised to accommodate its newest resident. Now the loom is the focal point, and I am most certainly looking forward to a winter of weaving.

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