Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unusual Bicycling Hazards

Day 191: As a sport, bicycling is not as dangerous as sky-diving, mountaineering or roller-blading, although it does have certain hazards related to it. For example, debris on a paved trail or cracks in the pavement can upset a cyclist quite literally. On highways, motorists are always a concern, particularly those who are arguing with a spouse on their cell phone. Mountain biking has even more opportunities for serious injury, but for the most part, these can be avoided if a cyclist remains alert. It is unwise to ride through loose sand or gravel, to head down a steep hill toward a blackberry patch, or to ignore the Rules of the Road with respect to sharing trails with walkers, joggers and pit bulls. All things considered, the Foothills Trail which runs from South Prairie through McMillin alongside the Carbon and Puyallup Rivers might be deemed to be a bit more hazardous than other recreational sites in western Washington. "If you hear the lahar sirens, move quickly to high ground (at least 50 feet off the valley floor). Assist other trail users as best you can." I'd recommend 200 feet, and as fast as you can pedal!

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