Friday, May 18, 2012

Believing Is Seeing

Day 218: They say that seeing is believing. Believing is also sometimes seeing.

As a delicate shower of petals fell on my hair and shoulders while I was photographing plants in my fishing buddy's yard today, I had the sense that I was being watched. No one was in evidence on the street. No one was at a window and in any event, I was down behind bushes and truly out of sight from any residence. Yet as I focused on a rhododendron, the feeling grew stronger. Then I turned my attention to the flowering cherry so lavishly in bloom above my head. As I brought the lens to bear on one particularly lovely cluster of blossoms, I spotted a face in the viewfinder. The Cherry Faerie tossed a final handful of petals in my direction and disappeared. I believe, and so shall you. See here evidence that the faerie folk exist!

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