Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rosy Spiraea, Spiraea Densiflora

Day 287: Rosy Spiraea is cousin to the familiar Spiraea in your garden, but instead of growing happily at sea level, it prefers an alpine or subalpine environment. You will find hillsides covered with it in Mount Rainier National Park, growing to a height of one to two feet and forming dense clumps of shrubby growth. It is favored by bees and hoverflies as well as butterflies of many species. When seen with blue Lupine, scarlet Paintbrush and yellow Arnica growing in close proximity. the overall effect is stunning. Wildflowers are just starting to come into their peak in the Park, particularly in the area around Reflection and Louise Lakes, and along the upper Stevens Canyon Road. See them soon, because the growing season is short at these altitudes!

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