Friday, January 25, 2013

Haggis And Neeps

Day 115 (Part B): Haggis, neeps (turnips), tatties (potatoes) and a bit of Atholl Brose made with Glen Livet set the scene for a Burns Night Dinner celebration, as spartan as would do any Scotsman proud. I regretted not having a bagpipe CD to put on the player, but it probably would not have been audible above my sighs of ecstasy as I made my first acquaintance with the Haggis of legend. Now I will say this: were I condemned to swing on the gallows for my piracies, I would request as my last meal Haggis and neeps.

Spicier than I expected, the Haggis was light and airy and deliciously fragrant with sage. Red pepper gave it a bit of tang, though not to overpower the delicate savour of lamb, the lamb tempered with just a bit of beef. Simmered in beef broth, the glorious Haggis cooked gently for two hours before I tossed in a handful of cubed neeps, tatties not being to my liking. Another twenty minutes had them fork-tender and ready to serve.

The aromas filling the house had left my stomach growling. It was a hard task to set up this shot with dinner on the boards! I had intended to spread this meal out over three nights, but I found myself gobbling down half at one sitting, so delicious was this unique traditional Scottish delicacy.

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