Saturday, April 6, 2013

Common Horsetail, Equisetum Arvense

Day 186: Common Horsetail prefers wet areas in which to grow. You'll find it in ditches, on streambanks, surrounding ponds and similar areas, and it can be quite pretty in its native habitat. However, if it establishes in your garden, it is almost impossible to eradicate. Over a dozen varieties of Equisetum are found in western Washington.

At this stage of its life cycle, it resembles some type of strange mutant asparagus, and the young shoots are edible but not recommended due to the plant's high silica content. As it matures, it will send out hair-like sub-branches at each node along the stem. At full growth, it looks like a giant green bottle brush! In fact, Horsetails can be used as scrubbers for your pots and pans.

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