Monday, December 2, 2013

Walking On The Winter Wonderland

Day 61: "Rangers sing! Are you listenin'?
On the trail, snow is glistenin'.
A beautiful day
To go out and play!
Walking on the Winter Wonderland!

Put away are the sandals.
Here we use poles with handles.
We like to snowshoe
Like Eskimos do,
Walking on the Winter Wonderland!"

I had only to step outside the office to be in/on a/the Winter Wonderland. The 93-mile Wonderland Trail encircles Mount Rainier, sometimes rising over 6000' in elevation. Hikers may encounter snow into August on the higher reaches. While many backpackers take the WT in sections over a period of months or even years, others hike it in one gulp, carefully planning their camps and food supplies with the exactitude of expeditioneers. I know. I've hiked it twice, once with my husband and once alone. But not...I repeat, NOT!...the Winter Wonderland.

1 comment:

  1. Great lyric adaptation. Reminds me of a video with lyrics adapted to Isle Royale National Park
