Saturday, January 25, 2014

Vertical Bookends

Day 115: I was fifteen minutes into a workout on the stationary bike when I saw one of my back neighbors walking down the driveway. He was moving slowly as he usually does and I figured he was on his way out to get the mail, but a minute or so later, I saw his wife trotting out behind him. Neither of them passed into the field of view from my front window until several minutes had passed, and then I saw them both standing near the end of the driveway staring UP. That was enough to raise my curiosity, so I dismounted and followed the line of their gaze to a white head glistening in the sunshine high in one of Clyde's trees. Eagle! Hot and sweaty, I grabbed the camera, slid on a pair of shoes and dived into the cold clad in shorts, an athletic tank top and a bright red headband, drawing stares from every passing car as I stood beside the neighbors dressed in their winter woollies, right down to gloves and hats. Then I realized there were two birds, not one. Zoomed in at 74x (digital), the photo lacks a bit in clarity, but other than a slight crop, this image has not been processed in any way.

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