Friday, December 2, 2016

Longmire Fisher Release

Day 50: Today, Mount Rainier National Park saw the reintroduction of ten Pacific fishers into the wild at Longmire. The fisher is a member of the weasel family, and as such, contributes to the natural control of populations of small rodents. It was believed to have been extirpated from Washington many years ago as a result of fur-trapping. This on-going project includes releases in three National Parks in the state. It is a cooperation between many different wildlife management agencies and tribal groups, most of which were represented among the 100+ attendees present at the event. It was the first such release in the Park and was not open to the public, but the media were invited. If you're local, you will probably see coverage on television news or in the paper. You, my faithful readers, get a behind-the-scenes look at the day. Look at that little guy go!

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