Saturday, January 20, 2018

Patty's Birthday Bathmats

Day 99: Ever hear the phrase "hoist with his own petard?" Few people can quote the line from Hamlet accurately, and even fewer understand what it means, i.e., to be destroyed by a weapon you intended to use against someone else. In the popular (and erroneous) sense, it is frequently used to imply that a plan has backfired, as mine did when in early December, I posted a photo of three rugs I had just taken off the loom. My intention was to distract a friend from thinking my chattering about weaving might indicate that she might receive a birthday gift of handwovens. I mean, would I post a picture of somebody's present before delivering it? That's when the plan went south.

Patty (whose birthday was coming up in January, intended recipient for two of the three maroon/green bathmats) commented on the photo: "Wow! I bet those would look great in sea blues and greens, too...just sayin'." Some further discussion ensued about how maroon/green would work in a different room, but I realized that if I really wanted to give her something she'd fully enjoy, I needed to get hopping and weave another set.

The first ones had taken over a year to complete because I got bored with the repetitive nature of tabby-weave. Now I had to settle in and do some serious weaving if I was to have blue/green ones done in time. Fortunately, I had nothing on the loom, so made a quick trip to town for the weft (Bernat's "Blanket") and started warping as soon as I got home. Three days later, I had two bathmats and a toilet-tank topper done and ready to mail!

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