Saturday, August 1, 2020

Just Keeps Going

Day 293: They weren't kidding when they named this particular Begonia cultivar "Non-Stop." I've lost track of how many years this particular tuber has bounced back to life in the spring after being in storage all winter. I've grown Non-Stop in a pot on my front steps every year for as long as I've lived here, occasionally changing up the "greeter" by discarding one tuber and replacing it with one of a different hue. With a wide variety of options and combinations of colours between foliage and flower, it's easy to do. That said, I thought I'd killed this one when I left it out too long last fall and the foliage was withered by a hard frost. Even so, I rooted the tuber out of the pot, wrapped it in a paper towel and stuck it in a cupboard in the cool part of the kitchen. I didn't remember to check on it until early May, and there it was, its stems pallid and bent by its confinement, but a few days after I stuck it in soil and gave it a good watering, it perked right up. "Non-Stop." You got that right. It's like the Energizer just keeps going and going.

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