Sunday, November 22, 2020

Exhibiting Patience

Day 40: "Patience Corner" is done except for attaching a "made by" label (on order), and my quilt frame is empty. The original plan was to have the Hexagons ready to go on the frame, but I got distracted by a cute "floppy-eared cat" design which, after making a test block, I decided to turn into a wall hanging despite my initial cat being pink. That piece will be the subject of a future post when I get it out of the hoop (it's well on the way to completion). As for Patience Corner, each block is made up of four rectangular pieces and eight squares. I "flipped" the colours so that the fabrics I used for squares in one block appear as rectangles in the next row, giving the whole piece a kaleidoscopic effect. Each rectangle and each square are shadow-quilted just inside the seam lines; each rectangle is then crossed by an elongated X and each square has a five-pointed star in its center. "Patience," did you say? I can hardly wait to get started on the Hexagons!

Update: by special request, a photo of the detail, front and back. The front view shows a single block. The back (solid green) is zoomed in to show one rectangle and two stars.

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