Thursday, April 22, 2021

Respect Our Earth

Day 191: "The goal of life is living in agreement with Nature." Any birdbrain ought to be able to see the sense of Zeno of Citium's philosophy, but somewhere you humans lost the thread and decided that our world's resources were for your exclusive exploitation, and now look at the mess it's got you in. You have rising sea levels, rampant wildfires, incursions of invasives, polluted air, and that's just to name a few of the things your greed has brought to pass. I'd have thought those opposable thumbs you're always bragging about might have meant that you'd use your hands to do good, rather than to destroy. I mean, we're kinda helpless in that regard. We can't defend ourselves against what you're doing to our planet, but you're not just hurting us. You're hurting yourselves. And still you don't learn. If you could fly, maybe a bird's-eye view would give you a better perspective. Today is Earth Day. For just a minute, think about the other creatures who share this world. We're all in this together, you know.

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