Friday, April 23, 2021

Siskin Days

Day 192: While Pine Siskins (Carduelis pinus) don't ordinarily like to share their territory with Chickadees, the last few days have seen them here concurrently. Although they don't sit elbow-to-elbow, they seem to be willing to have a "my side, your side" agreement in effect for the seed feeders, but space at the suet is another matter. Everybody wants a piece of the action, except perhaps the Porch Parrots and hummers. Jays, Towhees, assorted sparrows and finches all contend for the prime seat, and if you've never seen a Pine Siskin brazen down a Steller's Jay, you've missed a real show of territoriality. I don't usually feed suet year-'round, reserving it for a high-calorie treat in the cold winter months, but the 'dee-dees have been demanding it of late, to the point that if I fail to fill the basket, they literally knock on the window until they get my attention. I may have created a monster by feeding them out of my hand. One poor soul tried repeatedly to force his way through the glass last night when he saw me standing inside. If I'm at the computer, they come around to the front window where I can't help but notice their antics. The other birds are picking up on the Chickadees' confidence. I have at least two Grosbeaks who won't move off the feeder until I'm within a foot of them, and one "raspberry" Finch has come close to landing on my hand on several occasions. A friend refers to me as the "Bird Whisperer." Nah, I'm just one of the flock.

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