Thursday, November 10, 2022

Mushroom Hunting

Day 28: Even if I could identify this mushroom and it turned out to be "edible and choice," I would be hard pressed to find enough of them to fill a teaspoon. This has been without a doubt the worst mushrooming season in the fifty-plus years I've been gathering them. We've had heat, we've had dry...and when the rains finaly did come, they fell in a 'shroom-shattering torrent, had there been any 'shrooms to shatter. I have not seen a Shaggymane. I have not found a single Chanterelle. My yard should be full of  poisonous Stropharias, wormy green-staining Suilllus, antler-like "Blah Coral" and digestion-disturbing Russulas. There is nothing, save a dozen or so examples of this minuscule species. If, as I often hypothesize, fungus makes the world go 'round, we're in dire straits.

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