Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Cat Scan

Day 139: The second "jeans rug" came off the loom yesterday and I wanted to measure it for my weaving records. I tossed it down on the living room floor, intending to go for the yard stick, and the next time I turned around, it was being cat-scanned. I hadn't even tied the fringe yet, but apparently it has the official seal of approval. The next (last) rug on this warp will be made from t-shirt strips. In fact, I realized I was running out of denim halfway through this one and had to put in an emergency call to friends in the hopes of someone having a pair of jeans they were anxious to retire. As it turns out, I have half a dozen strips left from the donation, the "seed" for another series of rugs somewhere down the line. How well do these hold up? Suffice to say that I am still using a couple I made over thirty years ago.

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