Monday, April 3, 2023

Hawk Problem

Day 172: We have a hawk problem. I didn't see the tail. I didn't see it in flight to assess how it beat its wings. I cannot say with any certainty that this is a Cooper's Hawk or that it is a Sharp-Shinned without those two critical pieces of information, but given the size (as big as a large crow), I am inclined toward Cooper's. I had just enough time to grab the camera and point it through the grunge on the sliding glass door in the kitchen, thankful that I'd left it on a setting which gave me a photo good enough to document the culprit. Oh yes, I've been finding little clumps of feathers beneath the feeders occasionally, but the perp remained hidden until now. While I was looking down to change the camera settings, Mr. Hawk fled the scene. If only I had seen him in flight, I might have been able to give a solid ID.

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