Friday, July 28, 2023


Day 288: UAPs (Unidentified Aerial/Anomalous Phenomena) seem to be taking over the news these days, as if we didn't need something else to worry about. People are seizing on snatches of rhetoric, building them into vast coverups and conspiracy theories without giving any thought to what the words might actually mean. Let's take "non-human biologics" for an example. If you're old enough to remember when our exploration of space began, you might remember Laika, the Russian dog sent up in the second Sputnik. Laika died in space and her satellite disintegrated upon re-entry into the atmosphere, but had it come back to Earth, "non-human biologics" would have been found in the capsule. "Non-human biologics" does not mean "alien bodies." Some people have testified to seeing things which were "very disturbing" in connection with UAPs/UFOs. As a young person in the dawning Space Era, I found images of monkeys with electrodes fitted to their exposed brains to be very disturbing. Today, of course, we have more consideration for the living beings on which we conduct scientific experiments, or at least that's what we are led to believe by our government. However, other governments may not embrace the same ethic. Were I to see a monkey strapped into a space capsule, pinioned by its arms and legs, wired up to monitors and medical equipment, I would find it very disturbing indeed. "Disturbing" does not necessarily correlate with "alien." As for whether or not we've been visited by Greys or ET's cousins, I will say this: although I am a firm believer in the statistical probability of there being myriads of other life forms in the Universe, I can hardly believe they'd bother with humans. We're just not all that special, unless perhaps as a renewable food source.

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