Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Underbelly Of The Omega-13

Day 113: As a big fan of the movie "Galaxy Quest," I always refer to this view as "the underbelly of the Omega-13." If you don't have a clue, you really need to watch the film, especially if you love "Star Trek." And if you are a "Star Trek" aficionado who is also a weaver, you'll understand when I say that this is what happens after you enhance the dilithium matrix in/on the warp core. If you are still in the dark here, just go away. You're using up valuable oxygen.

What you see here is the reverse side of the "Scandinavian Favourite" crackle-weave tablecloth I'm currently weaving. Note that I say "reverse," because there is no actual "wrong" or "right" side to this particular fabric. The "back" has red diamonds on a white ground solely because that's the way I threaded it. The "front" has white diamonds on a red ground, exactly opposite to this. When the tablecloth is complete, I'll be able to use either side as the mood strikes me. This pattern is proving to be rather demanding with respect to keeping the motifs the same size along the length. Several times, I've had to unweave half a diamond and replace it in order to stay within the acceptable tolerance of "two inches plus one throw." Measurement is critical when you're weaving patterned panels. Small variations can be eased as the panels are sewn together, but only within certain limits. And because we weavers are human, not Vulcan, we beat irregularly depending on our emotional state.

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