Sunday, September 15, 2024

Full-blown Strawflower

Day 338: In prior years, I have grown Helichrysum (Strawflower) for drying, a process which requires picking them while they are still in the early phase of bud development. While hanging upside-down in a dry area away from bright light, the flowers continue to mature but stop before they are fully developed. The petals become crisp and papery, and can retain their colour for years. I had intended to grow enough for a dried arrangement this year, but very few of the seeds germinated, and of those, most of the seedlings died off during a spell of hot weather. This one survived, but without others to dry, I decided to let it come to maturity in the garden. I don't recall having ever seen a full-blown Helichrysum before. The disk flowers have become quite prominent as a golden-yellow mound.

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