Monday, September 16, 2024

Bearing Good News

Day 339: Woolly Bears (the caterpillar of the Isabella Tiger Moth) used to be very common here, so much so that I might have to stop every ten feet or so to carry one to safety if I was out walking along the road. I won't blame cars entirely, but these endearing little creatures have become increasingly hard to find over the last two decades or so, and now I seldom see them even when I'm looking for them. Today, I was delightfully surprised to see one investigating my milkweed plants. The milkweed bloomed but did not set seed. I had been hoping for pods, but if the plants serve instead as a snack for Woolly Bears, that's even better. It did my heart good to see this little fellow. I hope he enjoys his meal and gives a good review to all his friends.

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