Sunday, September 22, 2024

Garden News Hardy Fuchsia

Day 345: How  a propos that my garden news would be that Hardy Fuchsia "Garden News" appears to have survived into the current season after all! I was sure that all my large-flowered varieties had succumbed to the wildly fluctuating, freeze-today-roast-tomorrow weather we experienced over the last winter and spring. Fortunately, it came into bloom before I set to clearing out the woody remains. I plan to re-work the front flower bed before winter. The lily-of-the-valley has dwindled almost into nothingness, the crocuses and hyacinths have been consumed by deer and elk, and not much remains except volunteer ferns and a vigorous assortment of weeds. It will take a bit of work to clear the fuchsia stems and roots of the pesky grasses which have grown up through them, the same issue which caused me to abandon all hope of growing irises along the fence line. Some plants seem to invite weeds to share their space.

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