Monday, February 11, 2019

Enough Already!

Day 121: "Enough already!" Towhees' red eyes always make them look a little daft, but a foot of new snow is enough to push anybody over the edge. I misjudged the depth of last night's accumulation, and when I stepped into the yard to take out birdseed, I went in over the tops of my 12" wellies, filling both of them with snow which promptly turned into ice water. I'd had the foresight to take off my socks (it's a wrestling job to get the boots off unless I'm barefoot), so by the time I'd laid breakfast for the birdies, my feet were chilled through. And now it's snowing again, which means that my feathered friends are gobbling down the seed at a rapid pace. Maybe next time I go out, I'll put on my waders.

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